When it comes to content marketing, there are significant advantages to both email marketing and business blogging. If you’ve been on the fence about adding a blog to your content strategy consider this: blogs can take your email marketing even further. Taking the leap can pay off with boosted SEO, better customer loyalty, and increased website traffic.

The article below was published on June 4, 2019 on WordPress.com written by Shanna Mallon.

Email Marketing vs. Blogging for Small Business Owners

When it comes to email marketing vs. blogging, many small business owners are unsure which matters most. It’s true that when email marketing first emerged, it presented a unique opportunity to remotely reach and connect with an audience. Since then, blogging has become an attractive alternative with its own advantages.

By creating and maintaining a blog, you can add another layer of equity to your website while enriching its value to search engines. Blogs also help you empathize with current and new customers, encouraging business growth.

So, as you think about email marketing vs. blogging, here are a few reasons why blog posts could potentially replace your small business’s email-marketing initiatives:

1. Blogging improves your site’s search engine rankings

Regular blogging keeps your site fresh and updated, telling search engines that you’re active and credible. Likewise, lots of content means lots of opportunities to rank well for specific keywords that people are searching for online. Blogs provide opportunities for keeping visitors on your site longer, creating more internal links, and encouraging backlinks, all of which improve search rankings.

2. Blogging establishes your business as an authority in your field

One of the best benefits of blogging is how it can establish you as an authority in your field. As you keep posting about similar topics day in and day out, you demonstrate your knowledge and experience in that subject area. Readers and search engines start to recognize you as a resource. This is a powerful way to build trust with potential customers and grow your company.

3. Blogging encourages and increases engagement

While email marketing goes privately to recipients’ inboxes, blog posts are accessible to the public on your website. This makes it available to anyone who comes to your site, whether or not they’re already familiar with your business. Additionally, every time you post, readers have an opportunity to comment and interact with you. By placing social media buttons next to the content, you can encourage readers to share your blogs and spread the word about your business. When you’re looking to grow your community online, blogs are a powerful resource.

In terms of email marketing vs. blogging, each offers its own advantages. Because of their particular benefits for building community, authority, and search engine optimization, blog posts have the potential to replace some of a small business owner’s email-marketing initiatives.

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